The OnCon Icon Top 100 Professional Awards are peer and community voted awards that are determined by community and organizational observation of work. Winners represent some of the top professionals in the entire world.
Please click the button below to select the category you'd like to vote in and choose from the Finalists listed that you have observed one or more of the following:
Made a considerable impact on their organization and/or previous organizations.
Made strong contributions to their professional community through thought leadership.
Innovate in their role/career.
Exhibit exceptional leadership.
*You may only vote one time. You may vote for as many finalists as you would like.
*Those with the most votes will be selected as award winners.
*A maximum of 200 votes from those at the finalist's organization will be counted to ensure fair competition across different size organizations. Outside of that, there is no maximum for total votes.
*The Top 100, 50, 10, & #1 Professional of the Year will be announced in each category.
*Winners will be announced virtually on April 29th, 2025 at the OnCon Icon Awards at OnCon 2025.